I have been in college for around a month, and these are things I recommend doing to stay calm, happy, and healthy.
1. Wash your face every night.
- Because you’re bathroom isn’t in your your room it’s tempting not to, but you should.
2. If you want to look put together, put on some brow gel.
- Brows shape your face and can make you look put together.
- I love using the e.l.f. brow lift. You only need a tiny bit, and it snatches all the little hairs.
3. Wash your hands as often as possible.
- College is a cesspool of bacteria and viruses.
- Keep Zyrtec and Robitussin in your room and hand sanitizer in your bag at all times.
- Take you vitamins every day. You need to be consistent if you want them to work.
4. Wash your water bottle every night
- Get a soap and sponge and scrub it well with hot water.
- According to study by waterfilterguru.com, reusable water bottles have 40,000 times as much bacteria as a toilet seat.
5. Take walks.
- It’s good for mental and physical health.
- Pop your earbuds in and walk as far as your heart desires.
6. Get a Planner or use Google Calendar.
- It’ll help you stay organized and sane.
7. Do things that are just for you.
- Watch an episode of your favorite show.(Moesha, Gilmore Girls, or Friday Night Lights are some of my favorites.)
- Start a book you really like.(Some book recs: Daisy Jones and the Six, The Inheritance Games, Second First Impressions)
- Go off campus and get a sweet treat.
- Take a nap.
- Do something that will give you joy.
I hope you all take something from this list and apply it to your lives. Doing these things have really helped me this past month. Thank you for reading and make sure to subscribe to be notified of new posts. Stay sharp 😉
Category: Beauty